One thing that Deep Learning excels in is analyzing pictures & videos, and creating facsimiles or combining styles. If you want to create art with deep learning look no further than the Deep Dream Generator or which use Convolutional Neural Networks to combine your photo with an art style (if you want to do it on your phone another cool tool to check out is Prisma).
via SubSubRoutine
Deepfake is it's exactly what it sounds like ... the use "Deep Learning" to "Fake" a recording. For example, a machine learning technique called a Generative Adversarial Network can be used to superimpose images onto a source video. That is how they made this fun (and disturbing) Deepfake of Jennifer Lawrence and Steve Buscemi.
via YouTube
While this is a fun example, Deepfakes create very real concerns. They're often used for more "nefarious" purposes (e.g., to create fake celebrity or revenge porn and to otherwise make important figures say things they never said). It's likely you've seen videos of Trump or Obama created with this technology. But it is easy to imagine someone faking evidence used at trial, trying to influence business transactions, or using this to support or slander causes in the media.
As fakes get better and easier to produce, they will likely be used more often. So, as a reminder, don't trust everything you see on the internet.
But also ... Technology is pretty freaking cool. Right?
Here Are Some Links For Your Weekly Reading - January 27th, 2019
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye recently. Hope you find something interesting.
Lighter Links
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