Tonight marks the first night of Chanukah - the Jewish festival of lights.
We light the Menorah (Chanukah candles), eat latkas (potato pancakes), we exchange gifts, we spin the Dreidel (a gambling toy), and we enjoy a sense of family togetherness for 8 days and nights.
One of my friends sent me this funny video of a Chanukah parody of Bohemian Rhapsody ... it's better than you would expect.
Six13Sings via YouTube
It's not too different from Christmas (though my kids were jealous Santa didn't come down our chimney).
The cynic in me beleives the gift part of the holiday was invented by merchants.
In our office, we have an "Elf on the shelf", the magical elf who reports who has been naughty and who has been nice to Santa, perching in a new spot each day.
And, we also have "Mensch on a Bench", who watches your Menorah to make sure you don't run out of oil.
Happy Chanukah ... or at least an early start to your holiday season!
Here Are Some Links For Your Weekly Reading - December 2nd, 2018
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye recently. Hope you find something interesting.
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