Here are some of the posts that caught my eye recently. Hope you find something interesting.
- Here's How Google Knows in Less Than 5 Minutes If Someone Is a Great Leader. (Inc)
- What Amazon Knows About You. (Axios)
- Julio Iglesias Has an Absolutely Massive Net Worth and Owns an Airport.(CNW)
- Scientist: Alien Life Now Seems Inevitable and Possibly Imminent. (Futurism)
- This Trick Helped 96% of WWII US Military Pilots Learn to Fall Asleep within 2 Minutes, Even After Drinking Coffee. (BusinessInsider)
- One Out of Every 11,600 People in San Francisco is a Billionaire. (Vox)
- Here's Who Stands to Get Rich from Uber's IPO. (ComplianceX)
- Vegan-Friendly, Celeb-Backed Beyond Meat Has 2019'S Best U.S. IPO. (Time)
- If You Invested $1,000 in Apple in 2009, Here's How Much You'd Have Now. (CNBC)
- Man Credited With Calling the 2008 Crisis Says the Next 20 Years in the Stock Market Will Break a Lot of Hearts'. (MarketWatch)
How Warren Buffet Got His Start
Warren Buffett is a legend for many reasons. Foremost among them might be that he's one of the few investors who clearly has an edge ... and has for a long time. From 1976 to 2017 his Sharpe ratio (excess return relative to risk) was approximately double the overall market. Berkshire Hathaway now has over $700 billion in assets – and is still performing well.
While many people consider Buffett to be an investor, I also consider him to be an entrepreneur.
At the age of six, he started selling gum door to door. Obviously, selling gum wasn't the key to his path to riches. So, how did he make his first million? Here's a video that explains it.
via Coolnimation
For context, he made his first million at age 30, which was in 1960. For context, a million dollars in 1960 would be worth about $8.5 million today.
Buffet has always been honest about his bread-and-butter "trick" ... he buys quality companies at a discount and holds on to them.
It is fascinating to recognize how much the world has changed – and yet how much it stayed the same.
For extra viewing: Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, and Bill Gates recently did a full 2-hour interview with CNBC. You can watch it here.
Posted at 06:04 PM in Business, Current Affairs, Just for Fun, Market Commentary, Trading, Trading Tools | Permalink | Comments (0)
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