My first wife (and mother of my children) Denise is a smart and talented author. I still remember the first time she asked me to read an early copy of her work. She never let me do it again.
That being said, she recently released a new book, Earl, Honey. The book is loosely based on the real story of her family history. I enjoyed it. It's a southern coming-of-age story set in the 1920s - which is not my typical genre. Nevertheless, it's a poignant story with insight into the human condition, and its dramatic realities remind us how good we have it.
It's a story she learned, first via her grandmother, long after the events of the book take place. Those events shaped the lives of generations of her family.
It's a tough and heart-wrenching Southern Gothic read that covers incest, domestic abuse, and more. Check it out.
Here's the book's blurb from Amazon:
"Ever since Pa hit him in the head with the two-by-four, Earl had lived with blinders on. Not real blinders, of course, because that would be foolish. It was his own brain that blinkered him."
Earl Hahn is slow, the last one to catch on to things. Since the day his father hit him in the head with a 2x4 of loblolly pine, he's struggled with a "thickness in his brain." It takes him longer to make the connections others arrive at easily. When his father is prosecuted for the crime of incest, it feels like deliverance for Earl, his mother Lizzie Belle, and the entire Hahn family. Unfortunately, his father's abhorrent actions are not done exacting a price.
Everyone in the household will pay for their patriarch's crimes - no one more than Earl.
So begins a powerful coming-of-age tale about a shy, damaged boy who must overcome unimaginable personal tragedy - both as its victim and its perpetrator. Raw, honest, and filled with heart, Earl, Honey recounts an extraordinary search for redemption amid the perilous world of the 1920s American South.
Billion ... With A B
Humans are notoriously bad at large numbers. It's hard to wrap our minds around something of that scale. We're wired to think locally and linearly, not exponentially (it's one of the reasons I love AI so much).
Here are a couple of ways to help you understand a billion dollars.
via AskOpinion
Next, let's look at spending over time. If you were to spend a dollar every second for an entire day, you would spend $86,400 per day. You can do that for approximately twelve days if you have a million dollars. With a billion dollars, you can do that for over 31 years. Ignoring the difference between net worth and cash, Jeff Bezos could spend $9M per day for over 31 years.
If you make $100K a year, you can earn $1 million in 10 years. At the same rate, it would take you 10,000 years to make $1 billion.
Here is an example framed around spending money. Imagine that someone making $50K a year decides to buy a laptop, a car, and a house. Now we're going to make a relative comparison of the cost of those items for people making a lot more than $50K per year. To do this, we'll shrink the cost of the price of those items (to see the relative cost-to-income ratio). For a millionaire, a laptop might cost the equivalent of $100 dollars, a Porsche would cost $3,000 dollars, and a house would cost $25,000. Now, let's say you're Mike Bloomberg, and you're worth $60B. A laptop's relative cost would be pennies, a Porsche's relative cost would be less than 60 cents, and a mansion's relative cost would be around $500 dollars. You could have everything you ever wanted for a minute fraction of your wealth.
For a different perspective, here's an interesting visualization from informationisbeautiful. It shows various examples of things worth billions of dollars – including the personal wealth of several billionaires.
Okay, last one before I show a video ...
Let's try explaining the concept of a Billion through time. Fifty thousand seconds is just under 14 hours. A million seconds was 11 days ago. A billion seconds ago from today? 1990. Pretty crazy.
Here's a video from the 1970s that helps you understand scale through the power of tens – and an exploration of our universe.
Hope you enjoyed this. Let me know what you think.
Posted at 12:08 PM in Business, Current Affairs, Ideas, Just for Fun, Market Commentary | Permalink | Comments (0)
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