For most, being quarantined means significantly more screen-time.
Whether you're using it productively or unproductively, you're likely consuming much more media than before.
That can be a double-edged sword. It has the potential to increase your understanding of events – but also increases the likelihood of echo chambers and the intake of misinformation (aka fake news).
So, in this quarantine, what exactly are people looking at, and how are they staying informed?
VisualCapitalist put together various infographics on how different generations are consuming content.
via visualcapitalist
Unsurprisingly, younger generations are playing games, and millennials are focusing on food (cooking recipes and staying healthy while quarantined). Meanwhile, the older generations are still sticking primarily to broadcast TV.
(To View Other Generations Click Here) via visualcapitalist
Regardless of where you're consuming, it's important to manage what you're consuming, and how much you're consuming. You need to make sure you're using reliable resources and managing your time and energy. Too much can leave you worse off.
Sometimes, less is more.
The Show Must Go On (But In VR)
Several states are conditionally reopening.
As they reopen, it's important to think about a new normal. I'm excited about what we'll accomplish on the backside of this pandemic.
It challenged what we do and how we do it. In many ways, the thing that doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
With that said, I saw this video, and it struck a chord. It shows a famous orchestra playing the theme to 2001: A Space Odyssey updated for 2020's social distancing. You’ve got classical music played by classical musicians – together, but only via technology. This new form borrows from the past but creates something new. As a result, we experience a new dawn.
via Opera North
I encourage you to think about what the Quarantine made better for you, your family, your business, the country, or the world?
Sure, there are things that suck ... but there are things that surprised!
Think about the things that you did more of during this period. Are there new things that will make sense to continue as we move back to normal? Are there things that you did less of – and it somehow made things better (or made room for better things)?
How can you combine the best of the old with the best of the new to create something even better?
Things are going back to normal ... but you get to decide your new normal ... and it can be better than your past.
Stay safe and enjoy the ride,
Posted at 06:36 PM in Business, Current Affairs, Film, Ideas, Market Commentary, Personal Development, Science, Trading Tools, Travel, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0)
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