Overwhelmed by too many photos? Too busy to sort and tag them? Try this.
Photology helps you navigate the flood of digital photos on your computer by finding photos using simple and intuitive filters like faces, sky, color, location, and time of day ... automatically.
Can't find the photo of you in that pink silk jacket from the 4th of July party on the beach a few years ago? No problem, even with seemingly endless folders of random photos. You know the expression, "finding a needle in a haystack," right? Thanks to Photology, haystacks of photos will get a lot smaller, making it much easier to find the "needle" you're looking for – even if that needle is an a pink jacket.
How do you do it? Well, like this.
First stop questioning why you own a pink silk jacket. Then start remembering what you can. It was a few years ago (probably 2006). The photo was of faces. It was outside. You were wearing pink. And It was sunset.
You can also combine, mix, and match any or all of these tidbits from your memory to find your photo. It is fast, fun, and very easy to use.
Try it yourself with this online demo. After the demo launches, try the filter options on the left.
I paid this software - and it was worth it. Now it is free; an even better value proposition. I'm still going to use Photoshop Elements for the heavier lifting ... Still, Photology has its place in the toolbox.
So click here to download the software.
Capitalogix Commentary 06/28/09
Also, here is a link to the text of the article.
Other Asset Classes.
This chart caught my eye. It shows the top-ten residential real-estate markets, and let's just say none of them are around here. Click the picture to go to Reiden's site for more data.
I guess Goldman Sachs isn't the only one who can create Bubbles.
Also, I'm hearing a lot more rumblings from experienced traders about buying a little gold. Richard Russell, of Dow Theory fame, says: “The way the world is going, ‘gold will be the last man standing’. Gold will be wanted because unlike everything else, gold can not go bankrupt. Gold has no debt against it, gold is not the product of some nation’s central bank. Gold is pure intrinsic wealth. It needs no nation to guarantee it. Gold is outside the paper system.”
Confidence In the U.S. Equity Markets.
The VIX closed at 25.93 today, down more than 16% from Monday’s close of 31.17 to the lowest closing level since September 12, 2008 – the last trading day before the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy was announced. A rise in volatility from these levels would likely be bearish.
Bespoke notes that the Michigan Confidence joins the growing number of indicators that are now at or better than Pre-Lehman levels. It is currently at its highest level since January 2008. This month's reading is also the fourth consecutive month-over-month increase in confidence.Market Metaphor?
This NYC hotel claims that one of its rooms is not only a tourist attraction, but is “art”. Art that starts to smell bad in warm weather.
Room Covered In Melted Cheese
Business Posts Moving the Markets that I Found Interesting This Week:
Lighter Ideas and Fun Links that I Found Interesting This Week
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