Decision-making is hard. And it's only getting harder.
Analysis paralysis is a real threat to you and your business.
We have more data, noise, and choices than ever before.
But there's a pretty simple trick that helped my business manage risk, my son take tests, and soon ... it can help you make smart & quick decisions.
A neuroscientist, Paul Glimcher, found that instead of trying to pick the best option from your choices, start by eliminating the worst options. This approach reduces noise and makes it easier to identify your true preferences.
My youngest son was never a great student. He was smart enough to do well – but lacked motivation. Yet, despite his lack of studying, he always managed to pass his tests.
His "secret to success" was simply eliminating the two answers that made the least sense ... and then making an educated guess. This was enough to earn him a B-average in his classes.
He learned something intuitively that many people struggle to figure out.
“I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” – Bill Gates
This "less is more" principle helps us create clarity and reduces the lag between decisions & actions.
Hopefully, these principles will help you as well.