Running a business is hard. Of course, most people know that – but now VisualCapitalist has put together a chart to help visualize that sentiment.

via visualcapitalist
20% of companies tracked failed in the first year ... and only one-third last a decade.
The numbers are worse than that in tech, mining, and oil & gas. Interestingly, those industries receive some of the largest government subsidies.
But, if you are reading this, chances are that you are a survivor. So, take pride in knowing the odds you've overcome ... and be thankful.
It is Thanksgiving this week.
How Hard Is It To Run A Business In America?
Running a business is hard. Of course, most people know that – but now VisualCapitalist has put together a chart to help visualize that sentiment.
via visualcapitalist
20% of companies tracked failed in the first year ... and only one-third last a decade.
The numbers are worse than that in tech, mining, and oil & gas. Interestingly, those industries receive some of the largest government subsidies.
But, if you are reading this, chances are that you are a survivor. So, take pride in knowing the odds you've overcome ... and be thankful.
It is Thanksgiving this week.
Posted at 10:04 PM in Business, Current Affairs, Food and Drink, Ideas, Market Commentary, Personal Development, Web/Tech | Permalink
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