How high is high? Here's a comparison based on historical PE ratios.
Most country equity valuations are trading at their 10-year average valuation or lower. However, a few countries like Mexico, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States are trading at levels above their respective 10-year valuations.
Equity Valuation by Country
How high is high? Here's a comparison based on historical PE ratios.
Most country equity valuations are trading at their 10-year average valuation or lower. However, a few countries like Mexico, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States are trading at levels above their respective 10-year valuations.
Equity Valuation by Country
How high is high? Here's a comparison based on historical PE ratios.
Most country equity valuations are trading at their 10-year average valuation or lower. However, a few countries like Mexico, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States are trading at levels above their respective 10-year valuations.
Posted at 04:19 PM in Business, Current Affairs, Market Commentary, Trading, Trading Tools | Permalink
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