Amazon celebrated its 20th-anniversary last week.
With 244 million active users, Amazon is by far the largest online retailer in the world.
But how does it stack up against brick-and-mortar retail giants? This infographic compares the e-commerce giant to the world’s largest retailer: Walmart.
via WebpageFX.
Kind of surprising.
Weekend Links
Hillary Clinton may have to deal with more fall-out from her deleted e-mail fiasco.
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
Lighter Links:
The Economist Explains: The End of Moore's Law. (Economist)
Big Data Explained in Less Than 2 Minutes - To Absolutely Anyone. (DSC)
A Preliminary Taxonomy of the Voices Inside Your Head. (Digest)
Disney’s Research Lab Figures Out How To Put Words In Your Mouth. (TechCrunch)
'What I Would Tell My 20-Year-Old Self'. (Fortune)
Trading Links:
Tech Boom 2015: What's Driving Investor Insanity? (Forbes)
This Is Your Brain on Money: How Investors Trip Themselves Up. (WSJ)
These 2 Simple Slides Show Just How Hot FinTech Is Right Now. (BizInsider)
Soros Says China Is Major Risk For World War 3. (ValueWatch)
China’s Yuan Has ‘Long March’ To Reserve-Currency Status. (MarketWatch)
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