If you're interested in AI and its impact on business, life, and our world, I encourage you to check out some of my past podcast interviews.
As I work on finishing my book, "Compounding Insights: Turning Thoughts into Things in the Age of AI," I've revisited several old episodes, and some are certainly worth sharing. I've collected a few here for you to listen to. Let me know what you think.
In 2021, I recorded two interviews that I especially enjoyed. The first was done with Dan Sullivan and Steven Krein for Strategic Coach's Free Zone Frontier podcast... and the second was with Brett Kaufman on his Gravity podcast.
Please listen to them. They were pretty different, but both were well done and interesting.
Free Zone Frontier with Dan Sullivan and Steve Krein
Free Zone Frontier is a Strategic Coach program (and podcast) about creating "Free Zones." It refers to the green space where entrepreneurs collaborate and create without competition.
It's a transformative idea for entrepreneurial growth.
This episode focused on topics like building a bigger future, how decision-making frameworks and technology can extend your edge, and what it takes to get to the next level. I realize there is a lot of Strategic Coach jargon in this episode. However, it is still easy to understand, and there was great energy and an elevated conversation about worthy topics.
As an aside, Steve Krein is my cousin, and we joined Strategic Coach entirely separately before realizing we had joined the same group.
The podcast is 47 Minutes. I hope you enjoy it.
Or click here to listen on Spotify, Google Podcasts, or Apple Podcasts
Gravity Podcast with Brett Kaufman
Usually, I talk about business, mental models, and the future of AI and technology, but Brett Kaufman brought something different out of me.
Brett's Gravity Project is about living with intention, community, consciousness, and connection. He focuses on getting people to share their life experiences ... with the intent that others can see themselves in your story.
In my talk with Brett, we do talk about the entrepreneurial journey ... but we also probe some deep insights by discussing the death of my younger brother, how my life changed almost immediately upon meeting my wife, and why love is the most powerful and base energy in the universe.
This was not a typical conversation for me (a different ratio of head-to-heart), but it was a good one (and I've had many people reach out because of this podcast). It was fun to revisit my childhood, from playing with a cash register at my grandfather's pharmacy to selling fireflies or sand-painting terrariums; it's funny how those small moments influenced my love for entrepreneurship.
The episode is 65 minutes. I hope you enjoy it.
Click here to listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Listen Notes.
Last year, I recorded two other podcasts that I'm excited to share ... It's interesting to see the change in topic and focus - but how much is still the same (timeless).
Clarity Generates Confidence With Gary Mottershead
I talked with Gary about intentionality, learning from the past, and how AI adoption is more about human nature than technology ... and more.
Click here to listen on Spotify or Gary's Website.
Creative On Purpose With Scott Perry
On the surface, this episode may seem like just another conversation about AI, but I value the diverse insights, points of emphasis, and perspectives that different hosts illuminate.
In talking with Scott, we dove deeper into emotional alchemy, self-identity, and how to move toward what you want in life - instead of away from what you don't want.
Click here to listen at Scott's Substack.
I'm currently planning a podcast series called "Frameworks on Frameworks," where we'll explore great ideas, how they work, and how you can use them.
Let me know your thoughts and any topics you want us to cover.
Some Timeless Wisdom From Socrates
Small distinctions separate wise men from fools ... Perhaps most important among them is what the wise man deems consequential.
This post discusses Socrates' Triple Filter Test, which involves checking information for truth, goodness, and usefulness. It also explores how this concept applies to decision-making in business and life by focusing on important information and filtering out the rest. The key to making better choices and staying focused is to avoid damaging or irrelevant information.
With all the divisiveness in both media and in our everyday conversations with friends, family, and strangers ... this is a good filter for what you say, what you post, and even how you evaluate markets, the economy, or a business opportunity.
How Does That Apply to Me or Trading?
The concept of Socrates' Triple Filter applies to markets as well.
When I was a technical trader, rather than looking at fundamental data and scouring the news daily, I focused on developing dynamic and adaptive systems and processes to look at the universe of trading algorithms to identify which were in phase and likely to perform well in the current market environment.
That focus has become more concentrated as we've transitioned to using advanced mathematics and AI to understand markets.
Filter Out What Isn't Good For You.
In contrast, there are too many ways that the media (meaning the techniques, graphics, music, etc.), the people reporting it, and even the news itself appeal to the fear and greed of human nature.
Likewise, I don't watch the news on TV anymore. It seems like story after story is about terrible things. For example, during a recent visit with my mother, I listened to her watch the news. There was a constant stream of "oh no," or "oh my," and "that's terrible". You don't even have to watch the news to know what it says.
These concepts also apply to what you feed your algorithms. Garbage in, garbage out. Just because you can plug in more data doesn't mean that data will add value. Deciding what "not to do" and "what not to listen to" is equally as important as deciding what to do.
Artificial intelligence is exciting, but artificial stupidity is terrifying.
What's The Purpose of News for You?
My purpose changes what I'm looking for and how much attention I pay to different types of information. Am I reading or watching the news for entertainment, to learn something new, or to find something relevant and actionable?
One of my favorite activities is looking for new insights and interesting articles to share with you and my team. If you aren't getting my weekly reading list on Fridays - you're missing out. You can sign up here.
By the way, I recently found a site, Ground News, that makes it easy to compare news sources, read between the lines of media bias, and break free from the blinders the algorithms put on what we see. I'd love to hear about tools or sites you think are worth sharing.
Getting back to Socrates' three filters and business, I often ask myself: is it important, does it affect our edge, or can I use it as a catalyst for getting what we want?
There's a lot of noise out there competing for your attention. Stay focused.
Posted at 05:54 PM in Business, Current Affairs, Healthy Lifestyle, Ideas, Market Commentary, Personal Development, Religion, Science, Television, Trading, Trading Tools, Web/Tech, Writing | Permalink | Comments (0)
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