What happens doesn't matter nearly as much as what you make it mean ... and what you choose to do.
For example, Dallas has been 100+ degrees almost all summer, and nothing stops. You'll see people running outside, dogs walking, sports being played. My son plays 8+ hour rugby tournaments in that heat, and no one bats an eye.
Growing up in New England, we were woefully underprepared for that heat. The world would stop. On the other hand, 8 inches of snow was nothing, but a little bit of ice ... and Texas shuts down.
Snow isn't 'good' or 'bad' … and neither was the change of plans.
Fund managers recognize the importance of sensibly diversifying risks and opportunities.
Be that as it may, as Mother Jones reported in the wake of the 2009 financial crisis, the nation's ten largest financial institutions held 54% of our total financial assets (compared to the 20% they held in 1990). Meanwhile, the number of banks has dropped from almost 15,000 to barely 4,000.
via Statista
Many people are shocked by a chart like this. It must be 'bad' to have so much controlled by so few, right?
But it isn't hard to find a version of this story playing out in other industries: Print Media, Music, Broadcast Channels, and Consumer Products … this type of consolidation happens for a reason.
A firm that marshals more resources gains a competitive advantage and has more ways to win.
They benefit from economies of scale, transactional leverage, better distribution and partners, and more ways to diversify risks. In addition, if they work to communicate, collaborate, and coordinate their actions (and data), they can unlock opportunities that others don't have (or can't see).
Here is a Chart Showing Some of the 'Winners' at that Game.
The following chart highlights our "Illusion of Choice." A surprisingly significant portion of what you buy comes from one of these ten mega-companies (Kraft, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Kellogg's, Nestlé, Proctor & Gamble, Mars, Johnson & Johnson, General Mills, and Unilever).
It's amazing to see what these giants own or influence. Click the picture to see a bigger version.
via visualcapitalist
Here is a more specific example. You probably think you are familiar with Nestlé. It is famous for chocolate. But did you realize it was an almost $300 billion corporation … and the biggest food company in the world? Nestlé owns nearly 8,000 different brands worldwide and takes a stake in (or is partnered with) many others. This network includes shampoo company L'Oreal, baby food giant Gerber, clothing brand Diesel, and pet food makers Purina and Friskies.
Kind of cool? Mostly terrifying...
The Power of One Data Point
I love statistics. But I also recognize how easy it is to be tricked by data.
Here is an example illustrating how factually accurate statistics can be misleading without proper context.
Take a quick look at this chart showing Robotics funding in July 2023.
If you look at that chart, you might conclude that Pittsburgh is a Mecca of innovation in robotics. Carnegie Mellon is there. That makes sense, right?
However, there's an immediate red flag ... it's only for the month of July 2023.
So the question becomes ... why?
Turns out, that entire number is essentially the result of a single check to Stack AV to recapitulate what was Argo. Argo is a Ford and VW-backed autonomous vehicle startup, and Stack AV is the founders' new self-driving startup.
One significant move skewed the scale so strongly that it trumped major countries' expenditures that month.
There's often an issue about not having enough data to be statistically significant. Another common issue is confusing coincidence with causality.
This isn't meant to undermine the effect of one data point on a chart. For example, think about Taylor Swift's impact on the economy. Taylor's Eras Tour has already netted more than $100M but also reportedly has had a $5B impact on the economy.
Cincinnati reported that Taylor Swift's Concert Tour brought $90M to their city in two days. Her 60,000 attendees pushed the city's hotels to 98% occupancy rates. Beyond that, her concert-goers also consumed the city's restaurants, bars, tourism, and retail.
Here is a different example of accurate data leading to an unusual conclusion, At a Genius Network meeting this week, the creator of OsteoStrong and the X3 bar spoke about people's misconceptions about fitness and workouts. One point, in particular, caught my attention. He claimed that most people only get stronger as a direct result of their workouts about ten times in their lives. This isn't true of competitive athletes or weightlifters - but the average gym goer. Why? His logic was you only get stronger when you take your muscle to failure, past its previous limits. Most people rarely work out to exhaustion and don't keep track of their best. They often stop one rep - or even half a rep - before there's a meaningful improvement.
A good lesson for life.
As entrepreneurs, we've all seen people get the "one big break" or the "one domino" that led to success. The goal is often to be good enough that you only have to get lucky once.
While one data point can ruin a statistic, it can also change your life. The power of an inflection point.
Hope that helps.
Posted at 09:58 PM in Business, Current Affairs, Healthy Lifestyle, Ideas, Market Commentary, Personal Development, Science, Trading Tools, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0)
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