Recently, there's been a lot of talk about fake news and fact-checking the contents of the news and what public figure say. However, I haven't heard much about measuring the veracity of movies.
This site was kind of interesting.
It purports to rank the relative veracity of various movies.
For example, "Selma" is impressively accurate (as is "The Big Short") ... "The Imitation Game"? Not so much.
This interactive breakdown lets you be as "pedantic" as you want -- letting the "truth" be relatively flexible, or seating the truth-scale at "only what objectively happened".
So, where does your favorite film fall?
Pretty interesting.
Clown Hysteria: 2016 in a Nutshell
This summer, South Carolinians started seeing menacing clowns in the woods.
As a response to clown hysteria,Target pulled clown masks from shelves , McDonalds scaled down use of Ronald McDonald, and people everywhere have been in a fervor.
Not everyone has been affected negatively though ... Surprisingly (to me), Pornhub has seen a massive increase in clown related searches.
via TNW
There you have it ... hard data.
2016 continues to surprise ... Celebrities dying, phones exploding, the election, and this.
It will be interesting to see how 2016 ends, and what the future brings.
The world changes, but human nature remains relatively constant.
Posted at 12:44 PM in Business, Current Affairs, Film, Ideas, Just for Fun, Market Commentary, Pictures, Trading, Trading Tools, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0)
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