In 2017, I wrote an article "asking" why the Patriots were so good.
It's now 2021 ... Tom Brady and the Patriots have parted ways. The Patriots had a middling season – while Tom Brady, who is now the quarterback of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, made it to his 10th Super Bowl appearance.
There is a difference between 'luck' and 'skill'.
Both exist ... yet, luck favors the prepared.
In life, as in sports, hard work often beats talent (especially if talent fails to work hard).
Don't get me wrong - all the commentary about the Patriots in 2017 is true. Bill Belichick is an amazing coach with a storied career (even without Brady).
But, when you see this picture from the 2000 NFL Combine, it's hard to believe that Tom Brady would be a 6-time Superbowl MVP taking the Buccaneers to the Super Bowl in his first year with them. All at the geriatric (for an NFL player) age of 43.
via CBS Sports
When I talked about the Patriots, I focused on the fact that they were a well-oiled machine with a powerful framework of success that allowed individual greatness to shine.
I think Brady's continued success is emblematic of that.
Tom Brady is a paragon of culture, process, and hard work. Much of his approach was molded by his time with Belichick, but of course, he gets enormous personal credit as well.
He expects the best of himself and brings out the best in his teammates. That's enabled him to stay a top-level competitor despite not being the strongest, fastest, or most mobile QB (and that was when he was young).
The System is the 'system'; but, within it, you can measure what works, who contributes, and use it to identify the best things to try next.
Win, lose, or draw ... some things speak for themselves.
7 Levels of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Sometimes insight and inspiration come from strange places.
I stumbled upon a video of a Japanese man playing the lullaby "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" on the piano at 7 different levels of intensity. It has almost 5 million views. Check it out.
hat-tip to David Kotok for the video via Cateen かてぃん
A simple video - but a great reminder. Hope you enjoyed it.
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