While self-driving cars seem like a relatively new invention, the reality is that the earliest autonomous self-driving cars existed in the early 1980s (non-autonomous versions and semi-workable experiments have existed since the 1920s).
Luckily, the standards and approach have gotten much better since then, and we continue to make massive strides. Recently, Elon Musk stated that he was confident that level 5 self-driving cars would exist by the end of this year. That would mean the need for a steering wheel or a driver's seat would be next to 0 - a luxury even.
via Stein Law
According to many AI experts, this is exciting because level 5 autonomy is not just difficult - it's near impossible.
Think of it from a human perspective. When we're driving, many minute decisions happen instantaneously and without much trouble. But some of those decisions are "subjective" and seemingly novel. We know the answer because we intuit the answer - not because it's following any specific rule.
For a car to reach level 5 autonomy, it would have to be pre-trained for essentially every possible situation they could encounter - no matter how rare.
Elon Musk is famous for his potentially antagonizing beliefs and predilection for extreme statements ... but will Tesla somehow solve these problems?
Is AI about to pass another hurdle already?
It's exciting stuff! As someone that hates long drives, I'm certainly ready for it. I can also envision a future where the norm is autonomous driving, and individuals that want the right to drive their cars themselves will have to pass extra tests, pay extra fees, and warn the autonomous cars that it's a human at the wheel.
What Technologies Are Going To Most Impact The Next 5-10 Years?
At a mastermind meeting last week, Landon Downs from 1Qbit spoke on the state of technology. Landon and I agree on a lot of things - and one of those things he emphasized heavily. AI is in a period of massive innovation. It's a renaissance, or springtime, or whatever euphemism you want to use. But it's only springtime for AI if you can take advantage of it.
Adding to that, he explained that a current constraint might become a big short-term limitation to how widespread AI can grow. The constraint is that there is a global chip shortage (and it could be an issue until 2023).
The chip shortage is probably a bigger problem than you imagine because microchips are in everything from refrigerators to toothbrushes - not just high-tech computers. This has the potential to be a massive disruptor, especially in the tech industry.
Building and running smart AI systems takes a lot of computing power, and as more competitors enter the scene, not only will the cost to play increase, but so will the potential you get turned away at the door.
To a certain extent, the AI arms race becomes a chip arms race.
As I thought about the chip shortage, and its impact on the next few years, it also made me brainstorm what else I thought would be the most influential shifts that would influence me and my business (and potentially the world).
Here's my top 5, and I'd love to hear yours.
What do you think? I'd love to hear your list.
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