🎶 Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear Daddy, Happy Birthday to You! 🎶
August 2nd was my father’s birthday. He would have been 85.
He passed away in 1999, so it’s been over 24 years. That’s hard for me to believe.

It Didn’t Have to Happen That Way
My father died early because he had cancer that wasn’t diagnosed until it was too late.
He died when he was around my age ... which is crazy to think about. It’s even crazier to think that he probably would still be alive if he had gotten sick today.
Technology, longevity, and healthcare have come so far since then.
Memories of My Father
The truth is, I don’t remember his voice anymore. I should pull out a video to hear it again because I’m sure I do remember it somewhere deep down.
It makes me sad that I can’t recall it easily.
I don’t remember his voice, and I can’t remember as many of our conversations.
Still, I remember his hug, his smell, and most importantly, how he made me (and everyone else) feel.
My dad was larger than life, and he was also my best friend.
He wasn’t a perfect man, but he was a great family man and a leader in the community, and he spread joy every chance he got.
He was incredibly loving ... yet he was also incredibly demanding.
When my children were growing up, I taught them that when we saw a particularly beautiful sky or rainbow, he was watching down over us.
He also loved Italian Ice, or, as we called it at the Jersey Shore, Water Ice. On his birthday, we all try to have some Italian Ice in his memory. This year, we also did a video chat with my mom and sisters. It is nice to remember!
Work and play – Big and small … I fondly remember our time together.

I love that he’s remembered so actively ... but I remember a little less of the specifics every year.
He Made Me This Way
I’m amazed at how much more like him I become every day.
He was smart and heart-centered. Really, I should say he was heart-centered and smart.
I’m more analytical (which I got from my mother), but deep down, I’m still a teddy bear.
Some people think I’m a teddy bear with claws ... which I also got from my mother.