Last night was the first night of Passover, a family-centric holiday that recounts the biblical story of the Exodus of the ancient Israelites from Egypt into the Promised Land. For me, it's a reminder to appreciate what we have – and how we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us.
One of the memorable phrases from Exodus is when Moses says "Let my people go!" For generations, people assumed he was talking to the Pharoh about his people's freedom. For modern Jews, after a week of eating clogging matzoh, matzoh balls, and even fried matzoh ... for many Jews "Let my people go" takes on a different meaning.
A friend asked me what part of the matzoh do the balls come from? I don't know ... but I hope the matzoh ball fairy brought you some good ones.
Apparently (according to my youngest son), Sea Shanties are en vogue with today's youth. So, here's a pirate Passover song.
via Six13
For Jews, a notable part of the ritual dinner is naming each of the 10 plagues that rained over Egypt and saying "never again".
Perhaps, this year, COVID-19 gets added to the list?
Just like the Jews making it through slavery, the plagues, and 40 years wandering through the wilderness and desert before entering the Promised Land ... We are approaching the post-COVID promised land after a year of being stuck inside.
With the coming of spring, the re-opening of the world, and the reminders from the stories of Exodus and Easter - it's a great time to do a mental and physical "spring cleaning". Mine your experiences for the things you want to keep doing (or continue not doing) as things go back to "normal".
Hope you had a great weekend.