Here are twelve mistakes that contribute to poor decision making.
- Selective Search for Evidence: Gathering facts that support pre-determined conclusions, but disregard other facts that support different conclusions.
- Premature Termination of Search for Evidence: Accepting the first alternative that looks like it might work.
- Inertia: Being unwilling to change old thought patterns.
- Selective Perception: Prematurely screening out information not assumed to be useful.
- Wishful Thinking: Wanting to see things in a positive light.
- Recency Effect: Putting undue attention on recent information and experience while minimizing the value of information collected in the past.
- Repetition Bias: Believing what’s been stated the most often and by the greatest number of sources.
- Anchoring and Adjustment: Being unduly influenced by initial information that shapes your view of subsequent information.
- Group Think: Conforming to peer pressure or the opinions of the majority.
- Source Credibility: Rejecting input from sources prematurely judged to not be credible (or not “cool” or “in sync with the way you do business.”)
- Attribution Asymmetry: Attributing success to your team’s abilities and talents, but attributing failures to bad luck and external factors.
- Role Fulfillment: Conforming to the decision making expectations others have of someone in your position.
Where Microsoft Makes Its Money
Microsoft released some interesting stuff this week.
The update to Windows 8 is here.
They released an app that lets you control your desktop from your iOS or Android device.
Also, here is a chart that shows where Microsoft makes its money. For someone that doesn't pay that close attention to micro moves coming out of Redmond, the chart is somewhat surprising.
On one hand, notice that Microsoft's Windows franchise (which was once dominant) is now stagnant. On the other hand, it's easy to see that there is much more to Microsoft than just Windows.
As you can see, the Office business, and the Server & Tools business are both bigger than Windows and growing at a healthy rate.
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