The Occupy Wall Street movement claimed to speak for the bottom 99% of the population by income, which includes pretty much everyone who makes less than $500,000 a year.
The calculator, below, shows where your income ranks in the wide range of the 99% ... or the 1%.

An annual household income above $506,000 puts you in the top 1%, while you need to make less than $2,500 a year to be in the bottom 1%.
Find out where you stand.
Best CyberMonday Deal on Apple - Perhaps Apple Itself?
There we were at the Cowboys game. It was a beautiful day. I was feeling terrific because I was with my two sons. The crowd was cheering ... and I had a great thought: 'Let's get a picture of this'.
Perfect ... a random series of events had led to a satisfying crescendo ... and I captured the moment.
It wasn't so random. Despite a difference of four years and two stadiums - the result was similar (if not predictable).
History doesn't necessarily repeat itself. But it often rhymes.
It Is True In Trading As Well.
The Hype Curve is an interesting map of human emotion. Below is an idealized version.
Here is a chart of Apple going back to 2004. Note the similarities.
For a deeper analysis, see this post by Market Oracle. Here is an excerpt explaining the framework.
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