A couple of weeks ago, I shared a video of me with Scott Harris - explaining that spending time with individuals who can understand your problems from a different point of view is the best way to 10x your growth.
Well, today, I want to share with you a conversation I had with Verne Harnish, who specializes in growth and scale. He is the founder of the Entrepreneur's Organization, Gazelles (which is a global executive education and coaching company), and Birthing of Giants (which is now called the Entrepreneurial Masters Program at MIT). So, he kind of knows what he's talking about.
Likewise, Tony Robbins preaches the importance of expanding your "threshold of control."
The idea is that you need to continuously push your limits and grow your tolerance of what is within your comfort zone.
Think about the problems and annoyances you had when you were 18, 13, or 8 ... Chances are that they were much smaller than what you now face comfortably.
Expanding your thresholds of control, and facing your fears (and discomforts) is a big part of growth.
In my company, we call it "Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable."
The old way wasn't enough, and the tools and techniques that got you where you are, won't get you where you want to be.
So, into the unknown we go.
What do think will catapult you to that next level?
Last week, I took 4 team members to Infusionsoft'sICON - a small business automation conference.
You might wonder why I went, and why I took so many people ...
One of my core values is the idea of "Learn and Grow."
Meaning, if you grow the people, you grow the company.
Even at an artificial intelligence company, people are an invaluable resource, and if you're not giving them opportunities to better themselves you're wasting that resource.
Technology replaces a lot of what humans do, and will continue to replace more and more ... the beauty of that is that it frees up your team to think better thoughts, innovate, and create a better future.
I talked with Scott Harris, Founder of Millionaire Mentoring & Ultimate Coach (and emcee of the event) about his thoughts on the subject:
He echoed that investing in your own growth, and the growth of your people (emotionally, spiritually, psychologically, intellectually) is a major key to success.
And it can be hard to do that in the same space, with the same constraints, surrounded by the same people.
While you may think the best spot to create transformation is in a quiet secluded spot, uninterrupted by the world, you can learn more while surrounded by people in the same mindset as you, but with different perspectives.
Going to a conference, or a mastermind, is a great way to be in a "solution space" with other great people and find best next steps.
9 years in front of entertainment devices - another 10.5 years spent working. You get the idea.
If you have goals you want to accomplish, aspirational travel and lifestyle plans - this really puts the idea of finding and living your passion in perspective.
Here's another representation of the same data, using jelly beans. I think it's pretty powerful and worth watching.
In my TEDx talk, I talk about the Time Value of Life ...
In finance, the "time value of money" refers to the principle that the purchasing power of money can vary over time (meaning, money today might have a different purchasing power than money later). In part, this is because the value of money at a future point in time might be calculated by accounting for other variables (like interest earned, or inflation accrued, etc.).
A similar calculation applies to life ... or living.
Live Like You Only Have a Year Left.
During the last part of my Dad's life, I think he would have done almost anything for a little more time.
Things that used to be unimportant, or even mildly irritating, took on increased importance. For example, a dinner together became almost a sacred event; a kiss goodnight was truly heart-felt; and saying good-bye meant something ... because it could be the last time.
Nevertheless, as a result of that focus, he took more life out of that time.
Shouldn't we do the same thing? Think about it ... We are never going to be younger than we are, right now. We are never going to have more time to fix a big mistake. Isn't it likely that the time value of your life, is worth maximizing?
If you realize that the time you have now is worth more - what can you do differently to get the most out of it?
So, if an average person only gets 2,740 days to do with what they want, those days are precious.
Based on who's reading this, you may have half that time (or a fourth).
What are you going to focus on? Making the most money? Helping the most people? Spending the most time with your family? Relaxing?
There's never a better time than now, to live a life worth living ... and only you can decide what that means!
It's mainly comedy, but there are some nuggets of truth hidden in there.
As for the Tony Robbins event, there is a lot of truth woven through lots of entertainment. And I'm always impressed by how masterfully he controls a room!
I've been to many Tony events in the past, but I get something new every time.
One of the ideas I liked was a concept he uses often ... Victory is near!
The night is always darkest before the dawn. The storm is roughest before the break. And even after the coldest, darkest, winter ... Spring appears.
If you're looking for a relatively short (but representational) glimpse at what Tony does – a good place to start is his TED talk on why we do the things that we do.
Here Are Some Links for Your Weekend Reading - May 14th, 2017
Happy Mother's Day!
Here's to simpler times.
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
Lighter Links:
Trading Links:
Posted at 06:38 PM in Business, Current Affairs, Ideas, Just for Fun, Market Commentary, Personal Development, Science, Trading, Trading Tools, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0)
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