Thursday was Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement and one of the High Holy Days in the Jewish religion.
As part of the holiday, participants read a list of sins (available here), apologize for those committed, and ask for forgiveness. Read the list ... much has changed, apparently, human nature hasn't.
Even if you have managed to stay on the right side of the Ten Commandments and haven’t killed or stolen … you have most likely been frivolous, stubborn, hurtful, dismissive, or judgmental (I know I have …).
To help mark the importance of the day, participants read a poem called the Unetaneh Tokef. Below is a brief excerpt that captures the spirit.
Who will rest and who will wander, who will live in harmony and who will be harried, who will enjoy tranquillity and who will suffer, who will be impoverished and who will be enriched, who will be degraded and who will be exalted.
On one hand, you can read that and pray for Divine intervention (or perhaps favor) or you can recognize that we each have a choice about who we want to be, how we show up, and what we make things mean. Your choices about these things have very real power to create the experience and environment you will live in during the next year.
This year, the sermon at my local synagogue added an interesting idea. It discussed the Japanese art of Kintsugi. In Kintsugi, the Japanese mend broken pottery by gilding the fractures with gold, silver, or platinum. This treats the breaks and damage as an element that adds value and enhances the beauty of an object (preserving a part of its history) - rather than something that simply diminishes the object.
This concept is a great reminder as we unpack the "trauma" of COVID-19 and 2020 and move on both as individuals and as a society. Our steps backward are just as much a part of our journey as our steps forward. As you heal, it is also important to remember to heal the world around you as well. In the Jewish faith, that concept is called Tikkun Olam.
One of the themes of Yom Kippur is that you're only ever one good deed from tipping the scale towards good for yourself and others. As you recognize and repent for your sins, it's important to appreciate the good you did (and do) as well.
100 Days Left
There are just over 100 days before the start of 2022. Many will spend those 100 days stressing about the upcoming elections, grumbling about how 2020 sucked, and pretending it's the universe's fault they didn't accomplish what they set their mind to ... yet, 100 days is enough time to sprint, to make a change, and to end the year on a high note.
There is plenty of time to make this your best year yet. What can you do? What will you do?
I hope you all experience growth in your mental state, your relationships, and your businesses.
Best wishes for a great day, and an even better year!
Learning from What Pro Sports Teams Do Right
I am writing this while flying back from watching a Cincinnati Reds game in their Owner’s Box.
It was a great experience – and reminded me of how much you can learn from watching what professional sports teams do.
Frankly, the whole business of professional sports fascinates me.
They have to do so many things right … just to compete. This includes how they build and manage their team, cultivate their brand, support their communities and causes … as well as how well they handle the practical realities of the logistical, operational, and financial challenges they deal with constantly.
It is more than a business. For the most successful, it is a mission or stewardship.
Personally, I pay attention to football more than other sports.
In 2017, I lightheartedly questioned the future of the NFL as a result of bad press around concussions, crimes, and more. I questioned it as a fan that's been a season ticket holder for as long as I can remember. My Dad and I had season tickets to the Eagles when I was young, and to the Patriots when I was a teenager. Recently, I’ve been a Cowboys season ticket holder for over 30 years. I questioned it knowing that the NFL wasn't really at risk. To support that assessment of the NFL’s stability, consider that (despite quarantine) the league-wise Season Ticket renewal rate is at 92%… equaling a 5-yr high.
Part of the stability stems from doing so many things right (or at least well). Which takes us back to the point that you can learn a lot from how sports teams thrive.
There's a lot to learn not only from the NFL's longevity, but from what it's like to be a part of a team, from the coaching, and the management side of things.
Some of these lessons stem back to youth football ... which I’m reminded of each time I get to watch a Dallas Cowboys practice at The Star.
Think about it, even in middle school, the coaches have a game plan. There are team practices and individual drills. They have a depth chart, which lists the first, second, and third choice to fill certain roles. In short, they focus on the fundamentals in a way that most businesses don't.
The picture, below, is of my brother's high school team way back in 1989.
Is it possible that most businesses are less prepared to win than an 8th-grade football team? At first, that may sound like hyperbole, but if you think about it ... it's likely true.
Losing to an 8th-Grade Team
Even middle school and high school teams have a playbook for offense, defense, and special teams. They scout opponents and create game plans. They think about how to improve and coach the team … and each player. They strategize and drill to perform well each game. Meanwhile, they also work to string together wins to achieve a higher goal.
Contrast that with many businesses.
Entrepreneurs often get myopic ... they get focused on today (or survival), and they often lose sight of the bigger picture and how all the pieces fit together.
The amount of thought that goes into football - which is ultimately a game - is a valuable lesson for business.
If an 8th-grade football team is equivalent to a normal business, what would happen to a business that operated similar to an NFL team?
Practice Makes Perfect
How you do one thing is how you do everything. So, they try to do everything right.
Each time I've watched a Cowboys practice session, I've come away impressed by the amount of preparation, effort, and skill displayed.
During practice, there's a scheduled agenda. The practice is broken into chunks, and each chunk has a designed purpose and a desired intensity. There's a rhythm, even to the breaks.
Every minute is scripted. There's a long-term plan to handle the season ... but, there was also a focus on the short-term details and their current opponent.
They alternate between individual and group drills. Moreover, the drills run fast ... but for shorter time periods than you'd guess. It is bang-bang-bang – never longer than a millennial's attention span. And they move from drill to drill – working not just on plays, but the skillsets as well (where are you looking, which foot do you plant, how do you best use your hands, etc.).
They use advanced technology (including advanced player monitoring, biometric tracking, and medical recovery devices ... but also things like robotic tackling dummies and virtual reality headsets).
They don't just film games, they film the practices ... and each individual drill. Coaches and players get a cut of the film on their tablets as soon as they leave. It is a process of constant feedback, constant improvement, or constant renewal. Everything has the potential to be a lesson.
Beyond The Snap
The focus is not just internal, on the team. They focus on the competition as well. Before a game, the coaches prepare a game plan and have the team watch tape of their opponent in order to understand the tendencies and mentally prepare for what's going to happen.
During the game, changes in personnel groups and schemes keep competitors on their toes and allow the team to identify coverages and predict plays. If the offense realizes a play has been predicted, they call an audible based on what they see in front of them. Coaches from different hierarchies work in tandem to respond faster to new problems.
After the game, the film is reviewed in detail. Each person gets a grade on each play, and the coaches make notes for each person about what they did well and what they could do better.
Think about it ... everyone knows what game they are playing ... and for the most part, everybody understands the rules, and how to keep score (and even where they are in the standings). Even the coaches get feedback based on performance, and they look to others for guidance.
Imagine how easy that would be to do in business. Imagine how much better things could be if you did those things.
Challenge accepted!
Posted at 09:27 PM in Business, Current Affairs, Film, Gadgets, Games, Healthy Lifestyle, Ideas, Market Commentary, Personal Development, Science, Sports, Trading Tools | Permalink | Comments (0)
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