Even though my company specializes in automating things that people used to do, I have to admit that I was a little disappointed when I found out Japan Airlines no longer offers massages in their First Class Lounge. Instead, they have replaced the people with massage chairs.
I fly through Japan several times a year – and I had come to look forward to the quick massage between flights. I’d rush from the plane to the club to make sure that I got on the list (and would feel slighted if there wasn’t enough buffer time between flights to accommodate this indulgence). So, I was somewhat skeptical about the switch to massage chairs.
The reason was history – I bought my first massage chair in the mid-1990s ... and it was not very good. Things have come a long way.
Here is a picture of me overcoming my reservations about technology (yet again).
It presses, stretches, rolls … and (most importantly) works. I was relaxed, refreshed, and tempted to press the button to do it again.
Sure, I didn’t understand the remote. But, I didn’t understand the massage attendant either.
On a related note, the club has robot toilets as well. What I mean is that a “washlet” guidance and targeting system automatically cleans the mess you made. Disconcerting the first time you use it … but, I want one.
Imagine the testing and QA process to get that right. Glad all we have to do is engineer trading systems to make and keep money.
Here Are Some Links For Your Weekly Reading - February 4th, 2018
Cloning primates ... What could go wrong?
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye recently. Hope you find something interesting.
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