Bill Gates explores this question in his 2013 Annual Letter, highlighting innovations in measurement that are helping to eradicate poverty and disease.
What a great speech ... short, simple, and to the point. Hope you get something from it.
After you watch the video, here is the transcript.
Life is tough, that's a given.
When you stand up, you're gonna be shoved back down.
When you're down, you're gonna be stepped on.
My advice to you doesn't come with a lot of bells and whistles. It's no
secret, you'll fall down, you stumble, you get pushed, you land square
on your face. And every time that happens, you get back on your feet.
You get up just as fast as you can, no matter how many times you need to
do it.
Remember this, success has been and continues to be defined as getting
up one more time than you've been knocked down.
If experience has taught me anything, it's that nothing is free and
living ain't easy.
Life is hard, real hard, incredibly hard. You fail
more often than you win, nobody is handing you anything.
It's up to you to puff up your chest, stretch your neck and overcome all
that is difficult, the nasty, the mean, the unfair.
You want more than what you've now, PROVE IT!
You want beat the very best out there that is, get out there and earn
Once you decide that, you'll know where it is you want to be, then you
won't stop pushing forward until you get there! That's how winners are
At the end of the day, success is what we all want.
We all want to win, and the race will be won. There is no question about
So come on, get out on top, run faster, dream bigger, live better
than you ever have before. This is in you. You can do this. Do it for
yourself. Prove it to yourself!
Whether you think you can ... or you think you can't ... you're right. ~ Henry Ford
Slack-Lining is kind of like tight-rope walking (except the line isn't as taut ... so it moves and bounces around). The image to the right is of me trying it less than six inches off the ground.
It was harder than you might guess ... Perhaps fear of falling contributed to the heart racing and muscle tension that went along with it.
Josh Beaudoin (the guy trying to steady me) claims that slack-lining is not an adrenaline sport. It is about being composed in the moment. It is about finding the confidence to face your fear and the power to manage your emotions.
Listen to some wisdom as you watch an awesome video by Josh. It was shot in Rock Canyon near Provo, UT.
Imagine the experience of being up there ... and what we do down here doesn’t seem risky.
U.S. Health Worse than Nearly All Other Industrialized Nations.
Bloomberg recently reported that the last-place health ranking of the United States among 17 wealthy countries (based on a U.S. study of health outcomes).
Americans spend $2.7 trillion every year, more than any other nation, on healthcare costs.
Yet, America fares badly in a comparison of health measures in rich countries. Here is a chart from the Economist reporting similar results.
America is obviously doing something wrong. But what, exactly, is the question.
I had the perfect holiday gift planned. We were going to go to Cirque du Soleil's 'Kooza' show. Jennifer and Zach both missed an earlier show because they were out of town. Cirque is magical enough that I didn't mind seeing it again. So, when I saw a daily deal touting "Kazoo La La' at the Cirque Theater, I jumped on it.
On the day of the show, we got dressed up and drove downtown. Our GPS told us to go one way;
but I remembered where the show was ... only it wasn't there. Since it was
approaching curtain time and we were feeling the time pressure, I followed the GPS to its destination and tried not to argue.
There was a huge line, and very little organization or process (which we thought was very unlike our prior experiences with Cirque du Soleil). Nonetheless, we get to our seats, the curtain rises, and we laugh that someone struggling to do a circus act. Then we start to
look at each other, because it dawns on us that the person struggling is not a clown pretending to struggle, is truly someone who's not very good at what they're doing.
To make a long story short, we bought a ticket to see Kazoo La La, which in no shape or form is related to Cirque du Soleil's Kooza.
Yes, it was disappointing, and we left at the intermission. However, we had a great time. We laughed at the show and ourselves. Then we took the extra time we had
went to
marble slab creamery for ice cream.
The point is, it's not what
it's what you do.
This is true in trading, in business, and in life. All you can control is how you show up, what you focus on, and what you make something mean. The quality of the experience is still up to you.
I wish you peace and happiness for the holiday season.
Here Are Some Links for Your Weekend Reading
Perhaps you've seen the t-shirt before ...
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
Lighter Links:
Trading Links:
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