Helen Keller, the American author, political activist and lecturer, learned to talk despite being deaf and blind.
Here she is with her instructor and lifelong companion, Anne Sullivan. In this footage (from 1930) Sullivan shows the way how Helen Keller learned to talk.
Whether it is time to lose weight or gain some new skill or capability ... stop telling yourself you will 'try'. Here are your options (according to Yoda).
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
This animated map is jaw-dropping (or belt-busting). Notice the how the
rate of change accelerates when it reaches the 2000s … many states
burst from around a 20% obesity level to over 30%.
It is interesting to note that Colorado remains the only state (in blue) with less than 20% obesity.
Meanwhile, Gallop recently released their
Well-Being Index of 189 metro areas. In 2012, obesity
rates in all but two areas were above 15%.
Here are the Fittest and Fattest Communities in the U.S.:
Not the article you haven't gotten around to writing, the trip to the gym that will pay off in the long run, the planning for your upcoming birthday party, dinner with your parents (who would love to see you), ten minutes to sit quietly, saying thank you to a friend for no real reason... no, we do the urgent first.
The problem, of course, is that the queue of urgent never ends, it merely changes its volume as it gets longer.
Yes, we've heard it said that it's the important, not the urgent, that deserves attention. But it understates just how much we've been manipulated by those that would make their important into our urgent.
It's been three months since New Year's Eve, and most New Year's Resolutions have been forgotten.
As you prepare to face the rest of 2013, ask yourself these powerful questions from Greg Bustin:
What do I want?
What’s holding me back?
What’s the impact of not getting what I say I want?
Now get going. It's not just the first day of a new Quarter ... it's the first day of the rest of your life.
Here Are Some Links for Your Weekend Reading
When was the last time you called your Mother?
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
Lighter Links:
Trading Links:
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