It isn't hard to predict the number of 18-year-olds in 2030. You start by counting the 3-year-olds today.
Likewise, certain huge macro-economic forces are easy to see.
The chart below shows the aging of the World's population. The small image at the top shows the current snapshot. The larger image shows the world in 2050.
via BofAML.
Countries with a low birth to death ratio will continue to get older and suffer the consequences of attempting to pay for the care of the many through the efforts of the few.
Based on this, you can start to get a sense of where the more promising emerging markets will come from.
The Past Ten Years - Apple Then and Now
Apple reported its earnings this week. Over the past 12 months, they made a net profit of more than $53 billion.
That is significant, not just because it is a lot ... It also is more than any other company has ever made in a single year.
The previous record of $45.2 billion was set by ExxonMobil in 2008.
As the chart illustrates, the company’s profits have increased more than 40-fold since 2005, helping Apple to become the biggest brand and the most valuable company on the planet.
via Statista.
Talk about compounding edges!
By the way, recently, Steve Ballmer said: Saving Apple in 1997 was the 'Craziest Thing' Microsoft ever did.
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