I just got back from Asia; seemed like everyone wanted to know what the presidential candidates were saying.
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
- 8 Ways to Use the New Kauffman Index of Growth Entrepreneurship. (Kauffman)
- Facebook is Predicting the End of the Written Word. (Quartz)
- How Did Consciousness Evolve? (The Atlantic)
- This is the Only TED Talk You'll Ever Need to Watch. (Inc)
- ‘Hamilton’ Inc.: the Path to a Billion-Dollar Broadway Show. (New York Times)
- Prime Day Shows Amazon is So Powerful It Can Make up Its Own Holiday. (Wired)
- Commodities Having a Strong 2016. (Bespoke)
- Blockchain is to Banks TCP/IP is to Telcos. (Medium)
- How the Wealthiest Americans Got Rich May Surprise You. (MarketWatch)
- Apple is Making So Much Clean Energy, It Formed a New Company to Sell It. (TheVerge)
How to Be a Life Coach - Ultra Spiritual Life comedy episode [video]
Posted at 03:33 PM in Business, Current Affairs, Film, Healthy Lifestyle, Ideas, Just for Fun, Market Commentary, Personal Development | Permalink | Comments (0)
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