Are you ready for some Football?
Yesterday was the Cowboys' first preseason game.
It wasn't exactly the prettiest (partly because it was the first game of the season, but also because many of the starters sat the game out to avoid injury). With that said, it was still a fantastic experience. The NFL (and Jerry Jones) knows how to put on a show.
It's Easy to Feel Good at the Start of a Season.
Lots of people ask me how the Cowboys look this year. The truth is, at this point in the season, it's impossible to know because injuries have a dramatic impact on the game.
Regardless, each year I choose to be optimistic about the chance of a post-season run.
That kind of logic (or lack there of) is why I think automated trading is better than humans attempting to do it themselves. It's a way to make objective decisions and eliminate fear, greed, and discretionary mistakes.
On the other hand, it feels so good to hope!
A Lesson From the Game.
I had an interesting discussion at the game yesterday. My guest commented that Jerry Jones is a fantastic business person - which is hard to argue - but probably shouldn't be running the team. He believes the team needs a change of pace to switch things up.
While I don't know if that's why we tend to struggle so much more late in the season, it reminded me of a great business lesson.
Entrepreneurs often mistake their domain expertise for general expertise. "I'm fantastic because I'm fantastic at all these different things." And the result is they overestimate their ability to be great at things outside their unique ability. A similar issue is that many people believe they are deep thinkers, because they think deeply about what they think about. However, they often don't realize how narrow their range of thinking is, and how many things fall outside their expertise, interest, or even consideration.
Less Is Often More.
Learning to offload tasks that you may not be as fantastic at as others is a great way to free up time to focus on not only the things that you're great at – but also bring you joy and energy.
Hope that helps!
Why You Should Be Excited About Room-Temperature Superconductors
This past week, Korea released two papers claiming to have created a material (LK-99) that is superconductive at ambient temperatures. Before you get too excited, other scientists are still skeptical and cannot replicate their results fully.
Hyun-Tak Kim—ScienceCast via TIME
Whether this ends up being the breakthrough (or not), there's reason to be excited about where this technology is going.
Semiconductors are the unsung heroes of the tech world, and they power everything from your smartphone to your car. A semiconductor, colloquially a "chip," is a substance that falls somewhere on the continuum between conductor and insulator. Manufacturers process silicon and other materials into semiconductors for all kinds of devices that rely on harnessing electricity for processing power. They're the underpinning of technology, and the 4th industrial revolution is built on the development of better and more connected chips.
That's just a semiconductor, though. What we're talking about now are superconductors. Superconductors have (you guessed it) very high electrical conductivity, allowing lossless or semi-lossless transfer. Up until now, superconductors were only possible at very specific temperatures. A common example of this technology is an MRI machine.
In 2021, I posted an article on which technologies I thought would impact us most over the next 5-10 years.
Before I get back to superconductors, here's what I wrote in 2021 about my top 5 technologies:
At that same time, the chip shortage massively affected the supply chain. My takeaway was that building and running intelligent AI systems takes a lot of computing power, and as more competitors enter the scene, the cost to play will increase, and so do the stakes of winning and losing.
To a certain extent, the AI arms race has become a chip arms race. To nations, it is a cold-war-level existential threat.
Advancements in room-temperature superconductors would create a snowball of changes that would affect technology everywhere, and change the makeup of that chip arms race.
Better conductivity means less heat dissipation, smaller wires, more efficient and faster movement, and smaller tools. That means your processors won't heat up, motors will be able to handle higher torque/weight, and it also becomes a step in making quantum processors a reality. More practically, it means better and longer-lasting batteries, significantly less waste, and a massive jump in robotics. It also means 50x-100x faster chips.
You could argue it's the "holy grail" of material science. But, we haven't addressed the implications of those new technological possibilities. Electrical grids would be more efficient. Data centers would not only be cheaper but more efficient. And on the more sci-fi side of it, we could create superfast levitating trains which would travel with less friction.
The chip arms race would still exist because human nature means we will always fight for the best technology and advantages. However, when new technologies are created, their predecessors get cheaper and more accessible. That means more people experimenting with better technology, which often leads to unexpected boons.
Every technological advancement makes technology as a whole more accessible and prevalent.
Whether this breakthrough ends up being scalable and sustainable is up for debate, but it's already a sign of progress.
Posted at 08:45 PM in Business, Current Affairs, Gadgets, Ideas, Market Commentary, Science, Trading Tools, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0)
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