Did you hear about this ... ???
Artistic integrity or capitalistic manipulation?
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye recently. Hope you find something interesting.
- Air Force: Space Force Would Cost $13 Billion over 5 Years. (APNews)
- 7 Impossible Engineering Feats of the Ancient World. (Infographic)
- Co-founder of Salesforce Buys Time Magazine for $190 Million. (News)
- There are Now More $100 Bills Than $1 Bills in the World. (Quartz)
- What $10 Was Worth the Year You Were Born, and What You Could Buy with It Today. (BusinessInsider)
Trading Links
- Wall Street's Marijuana Madness: It's like the Internet in 1997.' (Wall Street Journal)
- Facebook Admits to Security Breach Affecting 50 MILLION Users. (DailyMail)
- How Puerto Rico Became the Newest Tax Haven for the Super Rich. (GQ)
- Germany to Have 1 Million Electric Cars by 2022. (AP News)
- What Bitcoin's Dominance Says about the State of the Crypto Market. (VentureBeat)
Does Entry Level Still Mean Entry Level?
We often hear millennials complaining about today's job climate.
Is there any validity to that belief system?
Apparently, yes.
According to TalentWorks, after analyzing a random sample of over 95,000 job listings they discovered that 61% of full-time "entry-level" jobs require 3+ years of experience.
Turns out "Experience Inflation" is a real thing. Brings context towards the shift away from traditional education I mentioned a couple months ago.
TalentWorks also found that three, five, and eight years are the magic numbers for upgrading your job title.
Mid-level jobs open up to you after five years, and senior level jobs open up after eight.
I guess Millennials get a pass on this one ... just this once.
With that said, we've had great success with the few high school interns we hired. Perhaps the passion and interest that caused them to look for serious work, so early, was a great way for them to get experience (and an early indicator of true talent)?
Posted at 06:36 PM in Business, Current Affairs, Ideas, Market Commentary, Science, Trading, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0)
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