Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
- The Fundamental Differences between Leadership and Management. (Forbes)
- The 10,000-Hour Rule is Wrong and Perpetuates a Cruel Myth. (BI)
- The Anatomy of Charisma. (Nautilus)
- Persuasion: An Introduction. (NakedCapitalism)
- Improve Your Life and Revitalize Your Body with a Healthy Dose of Sarcasm and Humor. (Bulletproof)
- Market Strategist Jeff Saut on Being Wrong and Still Making Money. (MarketFolly)
- Hedges are "Pricing a World Almost Free of Risk" Says BofA: Here's How to Trade It. (ZH)
- The Continuing Evolution of Volatility Trading. (RCM Alternatives)
- Trump Wants Faster Growth. the Fed Isn’t So Sure. (New York Times)
- The Trump Slump? Tourists Say They're Scared to Visit the United States. (LATimes)