This is one of the few books that I recommend to traders regardless of
their expertise. There's something valuable in here for novice traders,
and perhaps even more for experienced traders.
The book was written by Brian Shannon. He is a professional trader; and he has developed quite a following on Twitter under the name "AlphaTrends".
Over the years, I've read many books about trading, the markets, and psychology. This book is a very nice combination of those topics, with some common sense thrown in for good measure.
What is in the Book?
The book starts by explaining some basic technical analysis concepts, like trends, moving averages, and support & resistance levels. Next, Shannon explores some of the common volume and market patterns (dealing with what to expect, and why it happens that way).
He also talks about the four stages of a stock's economic cycle.
Whether you call it expansion, peak, decline, and recovery ... or ...
accumulation, mark-up, distribution, and decline ... these four stages
show-up repeatedly, in different stocks and on different time
frames. Recognizing these cycles, and what they mean, is a good step forward in understanding the markets and which techniques are most
likely to work in a particular market condition.
The Disciplined Trader.
Along the way, he also does a nice job pointing out some of the nuances of trading, from risk management to exit strategies. This is a book that balances opportunity with defense and discipline.
I appreciate that the book focuses on the risk management side of trading, and doesn't pretend that there are magic indicators or trading systems. He stresses that risk management and position sizing are more important than what you choose to trade.
More Than Patterns: The Entry and Exit Matter Too.
Shannon states that his edge is based on observing the market clearly and objectively, then implementing trades based on what the market dictates. He teaches to initiate a trade only when you have a perceived edge and the price action confirms your theories.
He warns that the most difficult job on Wall Street is
picking tops and bottoms. There are lots of lower risk ways to trade. For example, while trend following is one of the techniques he advocates, he explains how using multiple time frames helps you identify trend alignment, which you can then use to help place trades during situations where you have a better edge.
Common Sense Insights About the Markets Isn't as Common You Might Hope.
As Shannon describes the different patterns, he does a nice job of
providing charts and narrative to explain what's happening, what some
buyers might be thinking, and why he takes (or avoids) trades at
different points in time.
He cautions that the market is not always rational and "reasons" are often revealed only after price has moved.
I like that reading this book feels like you're having a conversation
with someone who really knows what they're talking about. And as you
get further through the conversation, you realize that you're making
progress, learning new things, making new distinctions, and putting
things together in a way you hadn't thought of before.
This book doesn't talk down to readers; yet, it doesn't try to dazzle them either. It's well-written, balanced, and full of practical ideas and insights.
Bottom Line, it's certainly worth reading.
In addition, click the picture below to watch a recent video he did about what's happening in the market. It is a nice example of his trading style.
Other Resources:
Capitalogix Commentary 11/29/09
I've always believed that you can tell a lot about the current character of the market based on how it responds to news. Sometimes markets go up on good news, and go down on bad news. That seems normal. On the other hand, I take it as a bearish sign when markets sell-off after good news. Likewise, I take it is a bullish sign when markets go up, despite bad news.
Market Commentary.So, it wasn't surprising that markets reacted negatively to the largest sovereign debt default since Argentina. It was, however, somewhat bullish that the US equity indices went down as little as they did. Yes, I know that our markets were closed on Thursday (when most of the damage was done globally) because of our Thanksgiving holiday. And I also realized that Friday was a half day and had relatively light volume. Nonetheless, it could have been worse; much worse.
Here is a link to a post I wrote that I think is worth reading at this point in the markets. I called it "What My Dogs Can Teach Us about Markets". It's really about how perceived danger puts us on alert; and why the second perceived danger often receives an even greater response. The point is that the world is now on alert, and I'm watching how calmly (or not) the market reacts to news.
The markets continue to hold up well on the surface. Underneath, I'm seeing signs of weakness (poor breadth, weak up-volume, fewer new highs, more negative divergences, etc.). Nevertheless, price has stayed above important levels.
With that said, here are some patterns worth watching. This chart uses 15-minute bars to get an intra-day look at the S&P Mid-Cap Index throughout November. The most notable thing I see is a character change in mid-month. The Bullish Break-Away Gaps seen at the beginning of the month are followed by two Bearish Island Reversal patterns (marked by the yellow boxes) in the second half of the month. This type of pattern can be seen at market tops. It starts with a gap-up (shown by the green circle) and ends with an exhaustion gap (shown by the red circle). You can click this chart to see a full-size version.
To understand what this pattern shows, you can think of it as the last buyers rushing to get in (pushing-up price so fast that it creates a break-away gap), only to find that there are no new buyers (causing a price drop and the resulting exhaustion gap). This gap down can signal the beginning of a change in trend. Two of them in a row makes me more watchful.
David Corna reminded me that this pattern shows-up differently on a higher time-frame. For example, on a daily candlestick chart, the intra-day Island Reversal manifests as two classic reversal patterns, a Hanging Man followed by an Evening Star. Their very names are onomatopoetic to their meaning. These candlestick formations will almost always be found at the end of a trend and the beginning of a reversal.
Chart.ly from StockTwits is a Good Source of Ideas.Many traders use charts and technical analysis to gain insight and perspective on what's happening in the markets. I'm always looking for resources that help me do that. Recently, I've found a lot of good content on the Chart.ly website. It is part of StockTwits, and has a strong user community. Here is an example of a chart I found there this week.
I like the analysis, and concur that the bottom trend-line (and the area on the far right of the chart marked by the blue circle) points to a key price area. Staying above that is important for the rally to continue.
How bullish has the rally been in real economic terms?What the Dow Priced in Gold Tells You?
This chart shows the Dow Jones Industrial Average priced in Gold. In other words, how many ounces of gold does it take to buy the Dow's price? So, for example, when the Dow is at 10,000 and Gold is $1,000 per ounce, it would take 10 ounces.
Here is a similar chart, limited to the past ten years.
As you can see, it took over 40 ounces of Gold to pay for Dow in early 2000. It now takes around 8.75 ounces. From this perspective, it looks like the Dow lost 80% of its value. That seems significant, even though the Dow's price is back close to the levels traded in the year 2000.
I don't normally put too much stock in charts that show one asset priced in another. If it was supposed to be priced that way, it would be ... However, this comparison seems more relevant to me because gold is a form or currency. Also, as people decide what to invest in lost opportunity cost is a factor.
How is the Economy Doing?Here is a chart from Russell Investments that identifies a few key economic and market indicators to help assess the current economic health and trend. Click the chart for an interactive version.
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Lighter Ideas and Fun Links that I Found Interesting This Week
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