Here is a photo of the Capitalogix team noting a successful test release.

When you play a big enough game ... the journey is long ... and it can't just about the final result.
On a day-to-day basis, it is about sucking less, measuring progress, moving forward ... and remembering to celebrate along the way.
Remember, the tip of the iceberg is only part of the story.

The Iceberg Illusion by Sylvia Duckworth, (Flickr CC license).
The Iceberg Illusion reminds us that when you see a company killing it - most of the time, all we got to see was the success part at the top, not the struggles and failures it took to get there.
Here's to the focus, learning, resilience, and patience that got us here!
Here Are Some Links for Your Weekend Reading
A friend of mine just bet me that Trump would win the election. So far, Trump has offended a lot of "interest groups" with campaign remarks. But, then there is Hillary. It is going to be close.
Here are some of the posts that caught my eye. Hope you find something interesting.
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Trading Links:
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